Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 15, Day 2: So much for planning

ODD BLOCK schedule: Reviewed the Solar Flare/Solar Facts H.W. and Started the solar system notes and the LIGHTYEARS AND AU'S homework.

Here is a photo of a student's foldable notes that they took home and re-did. looks nice

Today's Best Practice: Make your quizes have 2 versons and make them on ONE sheet of paper, that way you have only one sheet to run off and not two.

This was not a real fun day.  I went for the ellipse kit lab only to find it gone.  I gave the string to a colleague and either did not get it back OR I did not put it away so I could not start the lab.  Also I spent so much time going over the homework that we would not have time for the lab anyway.

I have spent a lot of time at lunchs and after school being there for the Science Olympiad team members.  A few kids and ALL of my time.  I feel rushed and behind in planning, grading, and creating new stuff.

I did make a new solar system vocab quiz that I am proud AM duty this week CCCOOOOOLLLD so I gotta get their early to run off the quiz.

Hope this helps,

Love to Teach and Teach with Passion

Remember...It's not Magic, It's Science

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